If you want to sell more listings and add consistency to your business, hiring an Inside Sales...

Knowing what to look for when hiring an Inside Sales Agent ( ISA ) can mean the difference between...

Good is the enemy of great.
That’s the philosophy of Chris Schmalz, top-producing real estate...

If you already have a good Inside Sales Agent ( ISA ) or if you’re looking to hire multiple ISAs,...

A bad hire can leave you licking your wounds for a while.
Many real estate agents have little to...

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and...

It’s not uncommon for us to get gun shy when we hire the wrong person for a job the first -...

It’s not uncommon for us to get gun shy when we hire the wrong person for a job the first -...

Despite the shortage of inventory in most real estate markets across the country, there are still...

Investing in hiring an Inside Sales Agent ( ISA ) is one thing.
Making sure that you capitalize...